The soul gang started in 3 sem though it foundations were laid in the 2 sem...My association with soul gang till now has been really amazing..inspite of my socially fucked up attitude these guys have been there whenever i needed them..they have been there to share my happiness & sorrows..i guess after a long time in my life i can say i have found "real" friends..After a long time i have met ppl with whom i can relate to & they can relate to me..there was dis big void in my life dat all the ppl i know till now there is no one with whom i can share my inner thoughts with..And i always had these phases where i feel lonely & all but with the sou gang those phases have definitely been reduced...Thanx guys for being there i hop & pray that our friendship lasts for a lifetime...
Now i will tell you how did we come together..well dats simple really u see i think it is food,music,gaming,thass & last but not the least the word FEEL dat got us together..Most of us are foodies we like to eat good food..gaming we have some amazing gamers here in the gang..the soul gang comprises of 9 ppl who are kind of binded by the things i mentioned i wil start naming them:
1)Ayush aka nanhe aka stud-a Nazi by mind & Manchester unitied fan by heart..loves playing football either on the pc or on the ground..dis guy kind of gives the discussion a more practical..loves to listen to romantic songs..never gets provoked easily..
2)Archit aka sutt-a big movie a true rock & roll fan..going out with us he has shifted from being vegetarian to a non-vegetarian..the guy has dis amazing ability dat he can laugh at joke made on himself...a miser in terms of money..he can make u laugh but most of his jokes are either pj's or they use abusive language or SEX..he can make real funny songs using more thing he has a gud voice and ca sing kishore kumar's songs really well..
3)Ashwin aka feel wale baba-he has an amazing IQ but never uses it..never works hard wen it comes to acads...a very big metal buff listens to so many bands no wonder he has no time for his studies..favourite 1 liners death ho jaayegi and ping toh nikaal hi hota hai..quite impractical in life..he has dis ability dat he can talk on ny topic whether or not he knows abt it or not..ohh i forgot he is a very gud CS player uss mein yeh loogooin ki sahi mein death kar deta hai..
4)Aditya aka adi aka ramu-our very own jim carrey..u never know wat he wil do the next moment..can make u laugh nytime he also a very gud gamer likes to play diff types of games..u wil always find him in a light mood...beware wen he gets angry he starts speaking loud curses in english..a guy who gets serious only wen he is
5)Boris aka bobby darling-he is sutt'd gay a foodie..a very gud gamer these days he likes to play CS..and is also giving lessons in CS so if u want one u know whom to contact..has a very big collection of movies probably the biggest movie buff i have seen..can listen to ny kind of music except metal..thugh i dont understand what happens to him wen we talk abt his chances of striking with a gal..
6)Harsh aka hash aka katwalia-he is a happy go lucky guy..u wil always find him smiling even in times of worry..loves to have gud food & is a foodie..he likes to have a gud laugh..never completes his files,..starts studying a day before the a senti kind of a person..loves to drive his bike..he is a tanker..never gets out..
7)Hemant aka suur aka hammy-the guy who adds a academical dimension to the group i mean isse dekhar lagta hai ki yeh group kabhi kabar padh leta hai...we both consider each other as replicas..our thinking abt many issues is the same like committment,religion,gals and many other things..likes to machao all the times..he is a vegetarian..can eat a lot..and definitely a foodie..
8)Siddharth aka baniya aka robot-he likes to flirt with gals..isse bhi machane mein bahut maazaa aata hai..these days his prefernces have changed a bit now he prefers he has proposed boris for marriage u can check his comments on my prev post..he is a gud critic..i still dont know why u thught everybody forgot ur birthday jabki ur birthday was celebrated so well..he sleeps with sandra these days i guess most guys wud kill for that honour...he is quite frank..never likes to share his water,a true baniya..
Wud like to end this post on a greek it goes..There wil be a time wen someone writing abt dis era wud do so in the following manner..i have lived in the time of giants i have lived in the time of SOUL gang..long live the spirit of soul for all for one..AHO!AHO!AHO!!!

arre waah mere picasa se pics utahi :D
Nortan ne apni gaand marva li...
Besides here my thoughts on the post..
Stuff like this keeps and makes our friendship stronger Period.
@ soul gang the rectangular boxes are 2 pics click on them..these 3 pics together contain all the pics of soul gang..
approved commenting...*vomit*
muh mein le le
muh mein le le
hey, ADI here ,
dude nice work .
but u mentioned under the what binds us together phrase the word FEEL. those who dont know us would definetely think we are gay and all we do is feel each other up (which we only do occasionally lmao!!)
abe wild- cat nxt make a comment in ur own google id.( if u really r )
nice topic dude. u hav described everbody quite well but apne barein mein bhi kuch likh deta.
hey thnx a lot tw for making the topic it's really cool. write something abt urself. i think u must b feeling left out so will do it in the comments only.
@Boris yaar most of the ppl keep on writing abt themselves on the blog i dont wanna do dat..dont want to be there is dis saying a man is reflected by the friends he has..i guess seeing u guys one can say wat kind of person i am..
hmmm ya quite right. the exact sayin is "ur known by the company u keep"
lemme go through it once again. i like the endibg though. i'll giv u some more pics apart frm dez ok.
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