Monday, November 14, 2011

The Drunk Guy

A few weeks back I was in San Francisco with my friends. They took me to a club called Vertigo there. We had to wait half an hour to get in and within 20 minutes of entering in I got bored. Unfortunately i dont enjoy places where the music is too loud. I just wanted to enter club once to experience it and i must say everyone must once go to a club in their lifetime just to understand why people go to clubs. The idea to go there can simply be to understand other people's perspective as to why they go to clubs. Anyways since i was feeling hungry i came out and went to a Subway nearby to grab a sub.

I ordered a sub and since it was pretty late only a part of Subway was open for people to sit. A guy walks in who at first sight seemed Indian to me but then again i thought he could be an American born Indian. I was sitting and having my dinner when he asks me if he can sit at the other end of the table. I said yes and once he sat down we started chit-chatting. We didnt really exchange names. He asked me where i lived. And then he mentioned why he was living in san francisco as it was tough for him to commute to sf just to party here. Topics of our conversation ranged from is education really beneficial to about education loans to cars and what not.

I would only like to mention the interesting tidbits of the conversation. He mentioned that he did his undergraduation from Harvard and he was working in sf in the field of private equity. He told me he was making around 2 million a year. And he asked me whether i liked my job. And even before i could answer the question he said do i like to wake up every morning to go to office. And i said no sometimes i hate the fact that every morning i have to wake up and go to office. He said then i dont like my job. He asked me whether i would like to work for him and i said no since i am really not interested in the area he works in. He asked me how much i make in a year. I politely said that i wouldnt like to answer that. He said that he usually pays around 150 grand to 180 grand annually to the people who work under him. He said that he is not happy with the money he is making and he wants more.

He mentioned that if i make more money than i too can get an expensive car and have a happy life. I asked him why is he not happy since he is making lot of money. He said he wants more money so that even if he has an accident while driving a Maserati he can walk from it right away without giving a damn about the condition of the car and just buy a new one. He asked me which car did i wanted to buy and i mentioned a few brands to which he said bro those cars really wont help you with the girls. He asked me what would i like to spend my money on, something which i enjoy. So i said i am a foodie. I like to try different cuisines thus i do tend to spend extra money on food just to try different delicacies.

He told me that he took his girlfriend to some restaurant(in the bay area) because his girlfriend was nagging about that place for dinner. And just for the two of them they ended up spending around 7000$. He said the food was pretty ordinary. So he asked me if my girlfriend asked me to take her to that place would i take her? I said i would try to reason with her and tell her that i cant afford that place. He said then i will have a pissed off girlfriend. I said if she cant understand this fact that i cant afford to take her to a particular restaurant then i do not see any point of continuing my relationship with her. For him it was difficult to digest the concept that i would not take my girl friend to that restaurant and why i would let her get pissed off. He concluded by saying that i was a hypocrite and he was trying to provide a non-indian perspective to life and he hoped that i did not take any of this discussion personally. We both then left amicably.

During our conversation following song was playing in my mind:Society by Eddie Vedder. I was just reminded of my greed and how there was no end to what i wanted. The other point which i learnt was that earning more money will not make you happy beyond a certain point. I hope someday i am able to overcome my greed and hypocrisy.


Unknown said...


Bhaiyyu said...

now that was an interesting conversation! I think he took pride in letting you know how awesome he was.